Sharing the Gospel through English Classes
As part of our ministry, we teach American English and culture classes to elementary school children. This is a tool which opens doors to meet and befriend adults and children in various communities. While teaching these classes, we share a meal, do crafts, and play games. We also teach basic U.S. history, and biblical values. We use all of these as a natural way to open the door for continually sharing the gospel with our students.

Discipleship and Home Visits
Because we believe in the importance of building long lasting friendships with those we serve, we simply share life together with those we meet. This happens through visiting them in their homes (which has a lot to do with our culture), depending on how open they are to hearing the gospel we offer to read the Bible with them and pray for/with them. Sometimes we bring bags of food and other needed supplies if they are living in need. Through this discipleship process, many of our new friends here will eventually pray with us and start worshiping with us in church.

Local Church Ministry
Elias stepped up to the need of full-time Pastor in January of 2022. This provided Great Grace Ministries with a small physical church location in downtown Agua Blanca. Now we have a growing church body where new believers can attend, be fed truth, worship, pray and be in faith-community.

Training and Equipping Missionaries
We love to provide mission opportunities for individuals, families, and churches. See the “Serve with GGM” tab for information on how you can partner with GGM by participating in a mission to Mexico!


Ministry Center
There is a great need for a ministry center due to the nature of GGM’s ministries and the area we are located in. A ministry center would provide a place for church growth, a place for English classes to take place with protection from the weather, children’s programs, youth programs, and a safe place for hurting/struggling women and children. Please pray for us as we look for the right piece of property and as we continue to raise funds for this ministry center project.